Diloxamet is a medication used to treat amoeba infections. It works by destroying the trophozoites of *E. histolytica* and preventing the formation of amoebic cysts. This medication is particularly useful in places where amoeba infections are not common, serving as a second-line treatment after paromomycin for asymptomatic individuals who are passing cysts. For symptomatic patients, it is used after treatment with metronidazole or tinidazole.
Diloxamet is taken orally and is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects, which may include flatulence, itchiness, and hives. It is recommended to avoid taking Diloxamet during the first trimester of pregnancy and is not suitable for breastfeeding women or children under two years of age.
The drug was discovered in 1956 and is listed on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. It is not commercially available in much of the developed world as of 2012. Diloxamet is a luminal amebicide, meaning it only works on infections within the intestines, making it an effective treatment for intestinal amoebiasis.
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